Google Play Services

Status: Beta

Version: 0.91

Supported platforms:


Forum thread

What's new?

version 0.91

Android updated to latest GooglePlay V4.3.23 (1069729-030)

About Google Play Services

Plugin for Google Play Services to manage achievements, leaderboards and provide multiplayer options through provided services of Google Play.

Note that currently leaderboards/achievements and cloud saving seems to be working great, the only reason why it still stays in experiment is that multiplayer is not working


Copy libs folder into your exported project
Copy src folder into your exported project
Change your appID in res/values/ids.xml
Copy res folder into your exported project
Add <meta-data android:name="" android:value="@string/app_id" /> to AndroidManifest file inside application tag
Add <meta-data android:name="" android:value="@string/app_id" /> to AndroidManifest file inside application tag
Add <meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" /> to AndroidManifest file inside application tag
Load plugin library in main Activity: System.loadLibrary("gms");
Add external class: ""

Copy Plugins/googleplay folder into your exported project Plugins folder
Add files to Xcode
Follow other described reqesuites, as adding needed frameworks and linker flags and modifying plist

Code example:

require "googleplay"

googleplay:addEventListener(Event.LOGIN_COMPLETE, function()
