Mars Tap

About Mars Tap

A casual game that only requires small touches on your screen to have a good time.

Test your reflexes by piloting the probe that must orbit Mars without crashing into the infrastructure that will be employed by future human settlers.

Our small probe (inspired on Viking Lander of the 70’s) has a flaw in its propellers and to complicate matters even more, the computer that allows it to navigate autonomously has broken down and the only way to keep it in orbit is by manually piloting it (With small touches on your screen)

Are you tired of seeing your world absolutely?

Mars Tap offers an elegant escape from the conventional linguistic rules (Get On Bottom?) by immersing your in the relative movement ... challenge your senses and discover how to pilot the probe through the opposing poles of the Red Planet.

In short, Mars Tap shows two game options to stimulate your reflexes and your senses, putting the relative movement to the reach of your finger.

Mars Tap puts the relative movement to the reach of your finger.

Genre: Action

Visit Mars Tap website

Developed by: [-] Liasoft

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