require "box2d" application:setScaleMode("letterbox") application:setOrientation(application.LANDSCAPE_LEFT) application:setLogicalDimensions(600,600) local cw=application:getContentWidth() local ch=application:getContentHeight() -- this table holds the dynamic bodies and their sprites local actors = {} -- create world local world =, 9.8) -- create ground body local ground = world:createBody({}) -- create an edge shape, and attach it to the ground body as a fixture local shapeb =, ch, cw, ch) local shapet =, 0, cw, 0) local shapel =, 0, 0, ch) local shaper =, 0, cw, ch) ground:createFixture({shape = shapeb, density = 0}) ground:createFixture({shape = shaper, density = 0}) ground:createFixture({shape = shapel, density = 0}) ground:createFixture({shape = shapet, density = 0}) local shape2 = shape2:setAsBox(400, 10) local ps1= world:createParticleSystem({ radius=4}) ps1:setTexture("ball.png")) stage:addChild(ps1) ps1:createParticleGroup({shape=shape2, position={x=300,y=590}, color = 0xFF0000, alpha=1, flags=16, density = 0 }) local actors = {} local boxshape = boxshape:setAsBox(10, 10) local fixtureDef = {shape = boxshape, density = 2, restitution = 0.7} function mouseDown(event) local bodyDef = {type = b2.DYNAMIC_BODY, position = {x = event.x, y = event.y}} local body = world:createBody(bodyDef) body:createFixture(fixtureDef) local bitmap ="crate.png", true)) bitmap:setScale(0.3) bitmap:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5) stage:addChild(bitmap) actors[body] = bitmap end -- step the world and then update the position and rotation of sprites local function onEnterFrame() world:step(1/60, 8, 3) for body,sprite in pairs(actors) do sprite:setPosition(body:getPosition()) sprite:setRotation(body:getAngle() * 180 / math.pi) end end local text =, "Click to drop crates") text:setPosition(50, 250) text:setScale(4) stage:addChild(text) stage:addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame) stage:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown)