Rankmost Gideros plugin

About Rankmost Gideros plugin

Type: Gideros plugin
License: free
Supported platforms:


  • Social networking
  • Web services

Rankmost is a complete social ranking solution for application or game developers and an entertaining gaming social network for players.

Features of Rankmost include leaderboards, trophies, forums, friendships, direct messaging and real time tracking.

Rankmost lets you form a community around your application or game with the help of advanced tools and features.

You can create an account @ dev.rankmost.com and start integrating Rankmost in your games right now. Download plugin and sample application @ https://github.com/kokteyl/GiderosRANKmost .

Code example:

This method is called to send the user's score with the parameters leaderboard guid and score.
--Score is a number, guid is string rankmost:sendScore("", score);
--Handle this event to get a response for the request. 
--Two args; status and message 
		print (nil, "STATUS: "..e.status.." Value "..e.recordBreak.."  MSG: "..e.message)