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Duplicate image filenames in .gproj file GOTCHA — Gideros Forum

Duplicate image filenames in .gproj file GOTCHA

simwhisimwhi Member
edited July 2016 in General questions
Hi everyone,

I generally use ZeroBarane Studio for development and testing now. Because of this, I also edit the .gproj file in the editor too as it's much quicker. But here's a GOTCHA. Make sure you do not have any duplicate image filenames as this will cause your exported APK to crash.

This is the first time that I have come across this issue so I assume it was not a problem in previous versions of Gideros.

Likes: antix

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  • antixantix Member
    edited July 2016
    Also watch out for filenames too because files with incorrect filenames can cause your APK to crash too. For example you might in your code be accessing "image.png" when the actual filename is "Image.png". This kind of thing will work fine in the desktop player but crash in an exported APK.

    Likes: simwhi

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  • simwhisimwhi Member
    @antix Very true. This is why I only use lowercase letters in new projects!!

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  • antixantix Member
    @simwhi, I've adopted a strict method of naming files the same way as functions, first character lower case and then caps for each word in the name for example myCoolImage.png, etc. Using that I'm not getting the APK crashes anymore.

    But yeah, using all lower case would make it foolproof (which is kind of what I need heheh)
  • simwhisimwhi Member
    @antix This is what we call camelCase. I use it when coding only. For images and other external files I use lowercase. I also use a hyphen instead of a space.

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