--Piretro Software SPAMFIGHTER 2023 Pietro Eccher - pure gideros lua mini game Swidth = application:getDeviceWidth() Sheight = application:getDeviceHeight() --getRandomColor local function getRdnCol() local color_digits = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'a','b','c','d','e','f'} local out ="" for i =1, 6 do out = out..color_digits[math.random(#color_digits)] end return out end --popup class Popup = Core.class(Sprite) function Popup:init() local txts = {"BUY!!", "SAVE MORE!", "ENLARGE YOUR BRAIN", "SAY YES!", "NO TO NO!", "YES TO NO!", "MAKE BIG BUCKS!", "PRINCE OF NIGERIA HERE"} local txtgfx = TextField.new(nil, txts[math.random(#txts)]) txtgfx:setTextColor("0x"..getRdnCol()) txtgfx:setScale(2) local x,y,w,h = txtgfx:getBounds(self) local image = Pixel.new("0x"..getRdnCol(), 1, w+50, h+50) self:addChild(image) image:addChild(txtgfx) txtgfx:setPosition(25, 40) --close popup local xb = Pixel.new(0x0, 1, 20, 20) self:addChild(xb) xb:setPosition(w+35, -10) local xbt = TextField.new(nil, "X") xbt:setTextColor("0xFFFFFF") xbt:setScale(2) xbt:setPosition(6,17) xb:addChild(xbt) --drag popup local function onMD(self, event) if xb:hitTestPoint(event.x, event.y) then self:removeFromParent() self = nil p=p-1 spamMaster(math.random(0,7)) elseif image:hitTestPoint(event.x, event.y) then self.isFocus = true self.x0 = event.x self.y0 = event.y event:stopPropagation() stage:addChild(self) end end local function onMM(self, event) if self.isFocus then local dx, dy = event.x - self.x0, event.y - self.y0 self:setX(self:getX() + dx) self:setY(self:getY() + dy) self.x0, self.y0 = event.x, event.y event:stopPropagation() end end local function onMU(self, event) if self.isFocus then self.isFocus = false spamMaster(math.random(25)) event:stopPropagation() end end image:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_DOWN, onMD, self) image:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_MOVE, onMM, self) image:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_UP, onMU, self) end local function clickspam() print("clickspam") spamMaster(math.random(25)) end p = "0" --drop popup function spamMaster(n) if p == 0 then p = TextField.new(nil, "\e[color=#000]YOU WIN\e[color]") p:setScale(4) p:setPosition(100,100) stage:addChild(p) else for i = 1, n do local popup = Popup.new() stage:addChild(popup) local w, h = popup:getWidth()*.5, popup:getHeight()*.5 local maxw, maxh = math.floor(Swidth-w), math.floor(Sheight-h) local rx,ry = math.random(-w, maxw ), math.random(-h, maxh) popup:setPosition(rx, ry) p=p+1 end end end spamMaster(math.random(3))