require "box2d" a=0 b2.setScale(30) -- this table holds the dynamic bodies and their sprites local actors = {} -- create world local world =, 9.8) -- create ground body local ground = world:createBody({}) -- ground body is consists of 24 tiny edges local shape = local groundFilter = {categoryBits = 1, maskBits = 6} for x=0,600,20 do local x1 = x local x2 = x + 20 local y1 = math.cos((x1 - 240) * 0.01) * 80 + 500 local y2 = math.cos((x2 - 240) * 0.01) * 80 + 500 shape:set(x1, y1, x2, y2) ground:createFixture({shape = shape, density = 0, filter}) end -- Faucet box: local shape = shape:set(190,190,210,190) ground:createFixture({shape = shape, density = 0, filter}) local shape = shape:set(190,190,190,230) ground:createFixture({shape = shape, density = 0, filter}) local shape = shape:set(210,190,210,230) ground:createFixture({shape = shape, density = 0, filter}) ------------------------------ local shape1 = -- Water group 1 shape1:setAsBox(200, 50) local shape2 = -- Water group 2 shape2:setAsBox(200, 50) local ps1= world:createParticleSystem({ radius=5}) -- ps1:setTexture("Bubble.png")) stage:addChild(ps1) ps1:createParticleGroup( {shape=shape2, position={x=10,y=50}, color = 0xFF0000, alpha=1, flags=0 }) ps1:createParticleGroup( {shape=shape1, position={x=500,y=250}, color = 0x00FFFF, alpha=1, flags=0 }) local ps1= world:createParticleSystem({ radius=5}) ps1:setTexture("ball.png")) stage:addChild(ps1) -- step the world and then update the position and rotation of sprites local function onEnterFrame() a=a+1 world:step(1/60, 8, 3) if a < 6000 then shape1:setAsBox(10, 10) ps1:createParticleGroup( {shape=shape1, position={x=200,y=200}, color = 0x00FFFF, alpha=1, flags=0 }) stage:addChild(ps1) end end stage:addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame)