21 Point Basket Ball

About 21 Point Basket Ball

21 Point Basket Ball is a variation of Basket Ball game, that you can play alone in your backyard.
The main aim of the game is to hit over 21 score by playing Basket ball in the backyard.
Each first throw gives you 3 points,
second - 2 points
and third - 1 point.
Don't score 11, as it will erase your current score.
In this version of 21 Point Basket Ball you can advance and progress by playing this game, and collecting trophies to unlock lots of cool bonuses as new characters and different types of balls, that change game physic completely.

Play basket ball in the backyard
Score for points, to progress
Level up to unlock bonuses and multipliers
Collect trophies to unlock new balls and character

Genre: Sports

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Developed by: Water Bread Internet

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