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    <allpages gapcontinue="Showing_Status_Bar" />
      <page pageid="2" ns="0" title="Release notes">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">This page contains a list of all previous Gideros Studio release notes.

For recent releases, go to Github page

=== Release notes (2015.06.10) ===

* Application:vibrate now accepts amount of miliseconds to vibrate
* Ability to provide organization name and domain when exporting desktop applications
* Player dispatches SUSPEND/RESUME events on losing focus and modal dialogs

'''WinRT export template'''

* Added application:setKeepAwake
* Added handling Back button on phone
* Added application:exit
* Added application:vibrate
* Added Sprite:setBlendMode
* Fixed not resending all files to player all the time

'''Desktop export template'''

* Dispatches SUSPEND/RESUME events on losing focus and modal dialogs
* Uses provided organization name and domain

=== Release notes (2015.06.04) ===

* Drawing speed improvements (Shader separation)
* Player will ignore Window dimensions and will play in player resolution
* Fixed Sprite:setMatrix behavior
* Sprite:setScale won't scale Z axis unless explicitly provided third parameter

'''WinRT export template'''

* Move to OpenGL2 calls matching to Direct3D
* 3D features for WinRT
* Fixed issue with alpha channel
* Fixed including all assets upon exporting
* Added default plugins as Json, Lfs, Lsqlite3

'''Desktop export template'''

* Documents and Temp file dirs are now OS dependent, not in the same folder
* OSX loading Plugins from withing .app
* Exiting app correctly on application:exit()
* Added encryption support
* Toggling autoscale on fullscreen

=== Release notes (2015.05.09) ===

* Fixed overwriting files on export full export
* Fixed toggle autoscale on Application:setFullscreen toggle
* Optimized Matrices behavior
* Fixed buffer overflow in print function
* Improved encryption scheme

=== Release notes (2015.04.26) ===

* Fixed 3D-Env example
* Fixed ImageLoader example
* Added WindowWidth and WindowHeight dimensions in Project property for Desktop exports initial windows dimensions
* Added Application:getDeviceName to get user friendly device name
* Added Event.MOUSE_WHEEL for mouse wheel scroll events on desktop
* Added Studio saves separate export paths for each platform
* Added Ctr+P in Gideros Studio toggles between localhost and IP setting
* Added Ctrl+E shortcut to export
* Added Ctrl+Shift+X shortcut to clear output
* Added ability to search console output in Studio
* Gideros Players are now discoverable in Gideros Studio automatically and available through dropdown

=== Release notes (2015.04.18) ===

* Lua errors now cause exceptions when not in player mode, so they would be catchable by Crash Reporting libraries
* Added zlib lua bindings (
* Added UrlLoader:ignoreSslErrors() to ignore certificate related errors
* Added headers table to UrlLoader COMPLETE event object with retrieved response headers if any
* Changed coordinates shaders to high precision

=== Release notes (2015.04.12) ===

* Added method Application:setFullScreen(bool)
* Added method Application:setWindowSize(width, height)
* Added separate Desktop Player zoom menu with new options
* Fixed not resizing Player window smaller then Player size
* Fixed Comparing correct types in shader for Android
* Fixed Desktop 1280 x 720 resolution

=== Release notes (2015.04.08) ===

* Fixed additional checks for OpenGL 2 shaders
* Fixed Shaders not processing pixels with alpha 0
* Fixed adding missing anchor constants for Sprite set/get functions
* Fixed OpenGL 2 is required in android manifest (to filter out incompatible devices)
* Fixed black space after exiting immersive view on Android
* Fixed returning y value as z coordinate

=== Release notes (2015.04.04) ===
* Basic support for 3D Meshes
* Added 3D examples to Gideros Studio
* Sprite setPosition/getPosition now accepts/returns 3 values, x, y, z
* Sprite additional rotation axis set/getRotationX, set/getRotationY
* Added Sprite swapChildren and swapChildrenAt methods for quicker Sprite sorting
* Added Sprite:setClip(x,y,w,h)
* Gideros Player on devices show projects menu on click when app is not running
* Android project, added new density icon sizes
* Fixed RenderTarget dimension allocation
* Fixed handling volume and power buttons
* Fixed errors in Android export project
* Fixed errors in xCode project (now working with new IOS 8.2 SDK)

=== Release notes (2015.03.22) ===
* Making window to fit app [Alt+F]
* Bringing player to front on launch
* Passing all key events to Gideros with event-&gt;realCode, event-&gt;keyCode works as previously
* Opening Gideros documents/resources/temp directory from player
* Opening previously launched projects from player on desktop (use menu), android and ios (hold finger on screen for more than 5 seconds and release)
* Receiving touch events (including multi touch) on desktop
* Restart player's project [Ctrl+R]
* Added Event.APPLICATION_RESIZE event for when window is resized, get new dimensions using respective application class method
* Implemented Application:isPlayerMode() method returning true if project is running on player and false if as an app
* Android player using immersive view by default
* IOS fixing crash when only landscape supported in Gideros Player
* Implemented Sprite setAnchorPosition/getAnchorPosition which changes Sprites relative anchor position in Sprite's internal coordinates.
* Included plugin building in build workflow, each new build should include updated plugins now

=== Release notes (2015.03.05) ===
* PNG crash fixed
* Zooming crash fixed
* Black screen fixed
* Updated xcode template and player to be compatible with 64 bits, modules enabled by default
* ios8 orientation fix for landscapes

=== Release notes (2015.02) ===
* New player resolutions
* Auto player scaling
* Fullscreen player
* Scaling images in preview to fit them
* Retina desktop support
* Fat binaries for iOS

=== Release notes (2014.10) ===
* Update (iOS): Build with Xcode 6.1
* Update (Desktop): Build with Qt 5.3.2.
* Bugfix: Fixed crash when Sound is created inside coroutine.
* Bugfix: MediaPlayer crash (
* Bugfix: Memory allocation (
* Feature: Implemented time based movie clips.

=== Release notes (2014.01) ===
* Feature: Application:getDeviceOrientation() function (Accelerometer example shows a usage of this function).
* Feature: Load the next available resolution image, instead of base image.
* Feature: Seperated Lua libraries and LuaJIT binaries will be available at Gideros Labs soon.
* Feature: (Android) x86 binaries.
* Feature: Updated to Box2d 2.3.0.
* Update: Fixed the number of audio channels to 32 (to prevent iOS OpenAL problem).
* Bug: Refixed Tegra2/3 GPU bug.
* This version is built with Xcode 5.0.2, Android SDK 4.4.2 (API 19) and Android NDK r9c.

=== Release notes (2013.09.1) ===
* Feature: Code and assets encryption are independent from each other.
* Bug: (iOS) libluasocket.a was missing arm7s binaries.
* Bug: gdrexport was exporting with wrong encryption.

=== Release notes (2013.09) ===
* Feature: JSON and BitOp plugins are added by default.
* Feature: (Android) Facebook plugin
* Feature: (Android) Flurry plugin
* Feature: Global MEMORY_WARNING event when memory is low.
* Feature: Encryption of png, jpeg and wav files.
* Feature: (iOS) Added UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to .plist to hide status bar on iOS 7.
* Feature: (Android) Added manufacturer and model information to Application:getDeviceInfo().
* Bug: (iOS - Store Kit) Added a workaround for: &quot;Sometimes when internet is offline, productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: is called instead of request:didFailWithError:.&quot;
* Bug: (Android - Google Billing) Fixed seldom crashing occurs because of null intent.
* Bug: Timers couldn't be re-started within TIMER_COMPLETE event.
* Update: (iOS) Dropped armv6 support and updated minimum iOS version to 5.0.

=== Release notes (2013.06.3) ===
* Bug: (Android) Removed setEGLConfigChooser(8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0); line because some devices cannot create RGB888 OpenGL surface.
* Update: (Android) Added android:targetSdkVersion=&quot;18&quot; to AndroidManifest.xml and upgraded to Android SDK 4.3.

=== Release notes (2013.06.2) ===
* Change: (iOS) Reenabled multi-threaded rendering loop with improvements.
* Bug: Fixed render to texture bug when rendering right after texture creation.
* Bug: KeyCodes.R and KeyCodes.E was not correct.
* Bug: (iOS) Fixed audio resume bug after phone call (again).
* Bug: The path resolution of gdrexport was wrong.
* Improvement: (Android) Removed depth buffer.
* Improvement: Added gideros.jar to assets only export list.
* Fixed Gideros API annotation.
* Fixed internal links in documentation.

=== Release notes (2013.06.1) ===
* Bug: Moved back to Qt 4 because of Qt 5's problems.
* Bug: Added a workaround for Tegra2/3 GPU bug.

=== Release notes (2013.06) ===
* Feature: Render to texture
* Feature: New Mesh functions
* Feature: New key codes
* Feature: httpStatusCode for UrlLoader
* Feature: 16 bit and 24 bit texture formats (8888, 888, 565, 4444, 5551)
* Feature: Microphone plugin
* Feature: Exporting from command line
* Feature: mime.core for lua sockets
* Feature: Application:canOpenUrl to test if url can be opened
* Feature: (Android) added android:launchMode=&quot;singleTask&quot; and android:installLocation=&quot;auto&quot; to AndroidManifest.xml.
* Change: (iOS) Dropped multi-threaded rendering loop
* Change: (iOS) 44Khz sampling rate instead of 22Khz
* Change: UrlLoader COMPLETE and EVENT errors are now dispatched consistently between various platforms.
* Update: Lpeg plugin to 0.12
* Update: Sqlite plugin to 0.9.1
* Update: Qt to 5.1.0
* Update: UrlLoader now uses User-Agent property as &quot;Gideros&quot; by default on all platforms.
* Bug: Shape class can crash if the coordinates are NaN.
* Bug: (iOS) Sometimes file not found error is given for .mp3 files.
* Bug: (Android) Sometimes AudioTrack can give invalid state error.
* Bug: (Mac) Fixed persistent storage errors
* Bug: (Android) on some Cyanogen mods, FPS can be higher then 60.

=== Release notes (2012.09.10) ===
* Feature: SQLite3 plugin for Android (look at reference manual for the limitations)
* Feature: Object class as root of all classes
* Change: While exporting, Lua bytecodes are not debug stripped to get better error descriptions
* Change: All events are dispatched at main Lua thread (main Lua corotuine).
* Bug: (iOS) AlertDialog and TextInputDialog can crash while GC
* Bug: (iOS) Sound doesn't resume when application switching (double-click Home button) is used
* Bug: postInit function isn't called for inner classes

=== Release notes (2012.09.9) ===
* Feature: Lua file encryption is now optional
* Feature: Libraries (libgideros.a and are also exported when &quot;Export assets only&quot; is selected.

=== Release notes (2012.09.7) ===
* Feature: Native BMFonts
* Feature: TTFont caching
* Feature: Font kerning
* Feature: Font metrics
* Feature: Lua file encryption (for indie and professional license holders)
* Feature: GameKit events are always dispatched at main thread.
* Feature: postInit function for classes
* Bug: Using API Level 9 results in crashing on Android 2.2.

=== Release notes (2012.09.6) ===
* Feature: box2d contact implementation
* Feature: Android APK Expansion Files
* Feature: New functions b2.Body:getWorldPoint, b2.Body:getWorldVector, b2.Body:getLocalPoint, b2.Body:getLocalVector
* Feature: New functions b2.Body:setFixedRotation, b2.Body:isFixedRotation, b2.Body:setBullet, b2.Body:isBullet, b2.Body:setSleepingAllowed, b2.Body:isSleepingAllowed
* Bug: Wav file handle remains open

=== Release notes (2012.09.5) ===
* Bug: Sometimes crashing occurs when same sound file is loaded multiple times.

=== Release notes (2012.09.4) ===
* Feature: Loading of 8-bit PCM wav files

=== Release notes (2012.09.3) ===
* Feature: New sound API implementation
* Feature: Set/get pitch of sound channels
* Feature: Pause/resume of sound channels
* Feature: (iOS) Support for “play along” style apps where audio from other apps mixes with your audio
* Feature: Automatic reuse of in-memory sound objects
* Feature: Rope joints
* Feature: Unrounded mouse/touch coordinates
* Bug: (Android) If lock screen is disabled, application doesn't resume after lock/unlock.
* Bug: (iOS) Sound doesn't resume after a phone call
* Bug: Indices can shift while using b2.World:rayCast function
* (Android) Updated to Android SDK 4.2 (target 17)
* (Android) Updated to NDK 8c

=== Release notes (2012.09.2) ===
* Feature: Application:getScreenDensity function
* Feature: setAlpha/setColorTransform effects Meshes with color vertices
* Feature: Optimized Touch/Mouse/Key events.
* Bug: If a listener is removed within a listener, indices can shift.
* Improvement: Bounds of a TextureRegion of a TexturePack can have rounding errors.

=== Release notes (2012.09.1) ===
* Renamed Mesh:*Buffer functions to Mesh:*Array
* Bug: If a Mesh object is using color vertices, then it may effect color of the other sprites
* Updated the documentation.

=== Release notes (2012.09) ===
* Feature: (Android) Google in-app billing
* Feature: (iOS) Facebook
* Feature: Mesh structure
* Feature: Desktop player can generate touch events
* Feature: New iPhone 5 resolutions
* Bug: If a Lua error occurs in key events, Gideros cannot catch it.
* Bug: Autorotation fix for iOS 6
* Bug: (Android) Application shouldn't resume at lockscreen
* Bug: (iOS) iAd plugin can crash at launch.

=== Release notes (2012.08.4) ===
* Bug: Sprite:getBounds() function returns wrong values when there are MovieClip objects in the hierarchy

=== Release notes (2012.08.3) ===
* Feature: Application:getTextureMemoryUsage() function
* Feature: extended the plugin system
* Bug: Sprite:getBounds() function returns wrong values when there are more than 2 level of hierarchies and rotation
* Bug: gdrbridge cannot connect to deamon after some many requests
* Bug: accessing Gideros functions from inside a coroutine crashes

=== Release notes (2012.08.2) ===
* Feature: Bitmap:setTexture, Bitmap:setTextureRegion, TextureRegion:setRegion, TextureRegion:getRegion functions
* Feature: GameKit:loadScores function (thanks to Andy Bower)
* Feature: Application:getApiVersion function
* Feature: Sound:play(..., math.huge) loops forever
* Bug: addChildAt indices starts at 0 (should start at 1)
* Bug: Xperia PLAY keys doesn't work
* Bug: Event objects shouldn't store target object internally (late GC of target object)
* Bug: os.remove and os.rename doesn't transform path names
* Bug: On iOS, textures are deleted on main thread (should be deleted on rendering thread)

=== Release notes (2012.8.1) ===
* Bug: LLVM-GCC produces buggy code with FreeType library. Moved to Xcode 4.4.1 with Clang 4.0
* Bug: gdrdeamon can crash with some .gproj files
* Bug: lpeg.dylib has wrong library path
* Bug: addEventListener(type, func, nil) doesn't work correctly

=== Release notes (2012.8) ===
* Feature: iAd plugin
* Feature: LuaFileSystem plugin
* Feature: LPeg plugin
* Feature: Move to Android SDK 4.1 (target 16)
* Feature: Drop support for Xcode 3 and move to Xcode 4
* Feature: Universal applications
* Feature: Native AlertDialog implementation
* Feature: Native TextInputDialog implementation
* Feature: Support Xperia Play keys
* Feature: Command line tools to control player within 3rd party applications
* Feature: collectgarbage() is called at Activity.onLowMemory on Android
* Feature: Allow creation of Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Geolocation classes and don't create accelerometer, gyroscope and geolocation variables automatically
* Feature: Rotated/flipped tile support
* Feature: Timer.delayedCall returns created Timer object
* Bug: application:openUrl shows incorrect url in windows player
* Bug: in flurry plugin, timed parameter of logEvent should be negated
* Bug: in Game Kit plugin, at showLeaderboard function, don't update category if category is nil
* Bug: On iOS, setting 30fps doesn't work as expected on heavy loaded applications
* Bug: On Android, UrlLoader crashes when method is GET and headers are given
* Bug: recursive __gc calls should be prevented because destroying two Box2D objects at the same time can cause crash
* Bug: On iOS, music doesn't continue after a phone call
* Bug: On Android, paused/suspended applications consumes %1-%5 CPU
* Bug: Parent classes and inherited classes should have the same self reference

=== Release notes (2012.2.2.2) ===
* Feature: TTFont now accepts optional filtering parameter
* Bug: (Android Player) TTFont loading error
* Bug: (Android) TextField display error
* Bug: (iOS) Avoid of 1 frame white screen at the beginning of application
* Bug: MovieClip may crash if wrong parameter is given
* Bug: TTFont's letter spacing is calculated wrong when automatic screen scaling is enabled

=== Release notes (2012.2.2.1) ===
* Feature: Added LuaSocket as a plugin
* Feature: Added support for headers on UrlLoader
* Feature: Added HTTPS support for UrlLoaders
* Feature: Added new b2.Body:setAwake function
* Feature: Added b2.Body:setGravityScale and b2.Body:getGravityScale functions
* Feature: Added wraping mode (repeat or clamp) for Texures
* Feature: Added &quot;redMultiplier&quot;, &quot;greenMultiplier&quot;, &quot;blueMultiplier&quot;, &quot;alphaMultiplier&quot; to Sprite:get/Sprite:set functions
* Feature: Bigger font for displaying IP addresses on player
* Feature: (Desktop Player) %25 zoom
* Bug: (Android) OpenGL context lost on Android when some of the devices goes to sleep
* Bug: Fixed &quot;functions are not GCed when they refer to self as an upvalue&quot;
* Bug: Texture packer crashes when a texture bigger than 2048x2048 is generated.
* Bug: (iOS) Black screen or wrong orientation when returned from Game Center modal window
* Bug: Sprite:getMatrix() returns the values M12 and M21 swapped
* Bug: TileMap returns 0 for getWidth() and getHeight()

=== Release notes (2012.2.2) ===
* '''Incompatibility:''' Removed URLLoader class. UrlLoader should be used instead.
* Feature: (Android) Plugins are now supported
* Feature: (Android) Keyboard support
* Feature: (iOS) Store Kit (in-app purchase) plugin
* Feature: (IDE) Now it's possible to enable/disable automatic execution of Lua files from IDE
* Feature: (Android) Android platform now supports require function
* Feature: (iOS) lua_gc() function is called automatically when there is memory wa</rev>
      <page pageid="5" ns="0" title="Running Gideros Studio under Linux">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">Gideros Studio natively runs under Mac OS X and Windows. However it's possible to run this application under Linux, using the wonderful Windows emulator, Wine. Wine takes care of mapping MS Windows functions to Linux. There are several complex MS Windows apps that run under Linux with full performance, thanks to Wine developers 

This document explains how to download/install Wine under Ubuntu, and then install Gideros Studio under this emulator.

=== Installing Wine ===

Installing Wine is straightforward:

apt-get install wine

If you are using the Software Center, then do the following: 

* Open Software Center
* Type &quot;wine&quot; and install Wine

This is it! If you need more information about how to install and configure Wine, then use [ Ubuntu Wine Documentation]

=== Installing and running Gideros Studio === 

Installing Gideros Studio is straightforward. Just download the latest version, and then using command line, type &quot;wine&quot; followed by the application name. Installer will tell you how to proceed, and locate every file to your home directory. 

After installation, you'll see the &quot;Wine&quot; menu item in Ubuntu under Applications. Go to Wine -&gt; Programs -&gt; Gideros Studio and run &quot;Gideros Studio&quot;. 

=== Issues === 

In this version, following issues exist: 

* Sometimes the window cannot be resized. You may use to maximize the window instead.
* After starting the player, the play button is not enabled for 10 seconds. This can be overcome by directly writing down the IP of the player under Player Settings (which is if you are running the player on your machine)</rev>